Sep 15, 2015

To Do Tuesday #3

Today's To Do Tuesday is gonna be pretty lame.
#1 on my To Do List is GET WELL! I'm a bit under the weather so today's goal is to feel better.
Hope you guys are super productive today, I'm planning on spending it in bed!


  1. I pray that you feel better...Blessings

  2. Boo to feeling bad..hope it is just a viral thing and you are feeling better soon. Curl up with a comfy blanket and rest as much as possible.

  3. So sorry to hear you are under the weather. Feel better soon!

  4. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you're better soon. I did some organizing in my craft/sewing room the last couple of weeks that I talked about for To-Do Tuesday today:

  5. :( Sorry. I would say it's going around, but since I'm in a different country I hate to speculate. LOL Everyone HERE in the states tends to be cycling a sore throat and then chest congestion and cough that lingers. I've already had mine. Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Rest and get well soon!
    Sending hugs to my friend.

  7. Bless your heart. HOPE you're on the mend by now and enjoy your weekend!!!


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!