It's an amazing Book that is alive and becomes new to the reader with every word.
Here are some really interesting Bible facts.
Did you know.....
1. The Bible can be read aloud in 70 hours.
2. A number of verses in the Bible (KJV) contain all but 1 letter of the alphabet: Ezra 7:21 contains all but the letter j; Joshua 7:24, 1 Kings 1:9, 1 Chronicles 12:40, 2 Chronicles 36:10, Ezekiel 28:13, Daniel 4:37, and Haggai 1:1 contain all but q; 2 Kings 16:15 and 1 Chronicles 4:10 contain
1. The Bible can be read aloud in 70 hours.
2. A number of verses in the Bible (KJV) contain all but 1 letter of the alphabet: Ezra 7:21 contains all but the letter j; Joshua 7:24, 1 Kings 1:9, 1 Chronicles 12:40, 2 Chronicles 36:10, Ezekiel 28:13, Daniel 4:37, and Haggai 1:1 contain all but q; 2 Kings 16:15 and 1 Chronicles 4:10 contain
all but z; and Galatians 1:14 contains all but k.
3. The system of chapters was introduced in A.D. 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro, while the verse notations were added in 1551 by Robertus Stephanus, after the advent of printing.
4. A Bible in the University of Gottingen is written on 2,470 palm leaves.
5. According to statistics from Wycliffe International, the Society of Gideons, and the International Bible Society, the number of new Bibles that are sold, given away, or otherwise distributed in the United States is about 168,000 per day.
Number of books in the Bible: 66
Chapters: 1,189
Verses: 31,101
Words: 783,137
Letters: 3,566,480
Number of promises given in the Bible: 1,260
Commands: 6,468
Predictions: over 8,000
Fulfilled prophecy: 3,268 verses
Unfulfilled prophecy: 3,140
Number of questions: 3,294
Longest name: Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1)
Longest verse: Esther 8:9 (78 words)
Shortest verse: John 11:35 (2 words: "Jesus
Middle books: Micah and Nahum
Middle verse: Psalm 118:8
Middle chapter: Psalm 117
Shortest chapter: Psalm 117 (by number of words)
Longest book: Psalms (150 chapters)
Shortest book (by number of words): 3 John
Longest chapter: Psalm 119 (176 verses)
Number of times the word "God" appears: 3,358
Number of times the word "Lord" appears: 7,736
Number of different authors: 40
Number of languages the Bible has been translated into: over
Number of books: 39
Chapters: 929
Verses: 23,114
Words: 602,585
Letters: 2,278,100
Middle book: Proverbs
Middle chapter: Job 20
Middle verses: 2 Chronicles 20:17,18
Smallest book: Obadiah
Shortest verse: 1 Chronicles 1:25
Longest verse: Esther 8:9
Longest chapter: Psalms 119
Largest book: Psalms
Number of books: 27
Chapters: 260
Verses: 7,957
Words: 180,552
Letters: 838,380
Middle book: 2 Thessalonians
Middle chapters: Romans 8, 9
Middle verse: Acts 27:17
Smallest book: 3 John
Shortest verse: John 11:35
Longest verse: Revelation 20:4
Longest chapter: Luke 1
Largest book: Luke
3. The system of chapters was introduced in A.D. 1238 by Cardinal Hugo de S. Caro, while the verse notations were added in 1551 by Robertus Stephanus, after the advent of printing.
4. A Bible in the University of Gottingen is written on 2,470 palm leaves.
5. According to statistics from Wycliffe International, the Society of Gideons, and the International Bible Society, the number of new Bibles that are sold, given away, or otherwise distributed in the United States is about 168,000 per day.
Number of books in the Bible: 66
Chapters: 1,189
Verses: 31,101
Words: 783,137
Letters: 3,566,480
Number of promises given in the Bible: 1,260
Commands: 6,468
Predictions: over 8,000
Fulfilled prophecy: 3,268 verses
Unfulfilled prophecy: 3,140
Number of questions: 3,294
Longest name: Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1)
Longest verse: Esther 8:9 (78 words)
Shortest verse: John 11:35 (2 words: "Jesus
Middle books: Micah and Nahum
Middle verse: Psalm 118:8
Middle chapter: Psalm 117
Shortest chapter: Psalm 117 (by number of words)
Longest book: Psalms (150 chapters)
Shortest book (by number of words): 3 John
Longest chapter: Psalm 119 (176 verses)
Number of times the word "God" appears: 3,358
Number of times the word "Lord" appears: 7,736
Number of different authors: 40
Number of languages the Bible has been translated into: over
Number of books: 39
Chapters: 929
Verses: 23,114
Words: 602,585
Letters: 2,278,100
Middle book: Proverbs
Middle chapter: Job 20
Middle verses: 2 Chronicles 20:17,18
Smallest book: Obadiah
Shortest verse: 1 Chronicles 1:25
Longest verse: Esther 8:9
Longest chapter: Psalms 119
Largest book: Psalms
Number of books: 27
Chapters: 260
Verses: 7,957
Words: 180,552
Letters: 838,380
Middle book: 2 Thessalonians
Middle chapters: Romans 8, 9
Middle verse: Acts 27:17
Smallest book: 3 John
Shortest verse: John 11:35
Longest verse: Revelation 20:4
Longest chapter: Luke 1
Largest book: Luke
- The last word in the Bible is AMEN
- About 50 Bibles are sold every minute
- The Bible was written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
- Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible, and lions 55 times, but domestic cats are not mentioned at all.
- The Bible, the world's best-selling book, is also the world's most shoplifted book.
- The word "Christian" appears only three times in the Bible: Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16.
- There are 66 books in the Bible, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
- The 66 books of the Bible is divided into 1,189 chapters consisting of 31,173 verses. The Old Testament has 929 chapters, the New Testament 260. (King James version)
- The King James Old Testament consist of 592,439 words consisting of 2,728,100 letters and the New Testament 181,253 words consisting of 838,380 letter (total 3,566,480 letters).
- The longest line in the Bible is Esther 8:9 - 89 words, 425letters.
- The longest word in the Bible is Maher-shalal-hash-baz: Isaiah 8:1.
- The longest book chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, the shortest is Psalm 117.
- There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118 and 594 chapters after it.
- Psalm 118 verse 8 is in the center of the Bible: "It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man."
- Obadiah, with 21 verses consisting of 602 words, is the shortest book in the Old Testament, and the third shortest in the Bible.
- II John has the fewest number of verses of any book in the Bible - it is the shortest book in the Bible.
- III John has the fewest number of words of any book in the Bible.
- Job is the oldest book written in the Bible - it was written by an unknown Israelite around 1500 BC.
- Malachi, written about 400 BC, is the youngest book in the Old Testament.
- James, written around 45 AD, is the oldest book in the New Testament.
- Revelation, written about 95 AD, is the youngest book in the New Testament.
- The verse in the exact middle of the Bible is Psalm 117:8. There are 594 chapters before Psalm 117 and 594 chapters after Psalm 117.
- Paul wrote 14 (of the 27) books of the New Testament.
- The word "Lord" appears 1855 times in the Bible.
- The word "God" appears in every book except Esther and Song of Solomon.
- The word "grandmother" appears in the Bible only once: 2 Timothy 1:5.
- The word "eternity" is mentioned only once: Isaiah 57:15.
- Seven suicides are recorded in the Bible.
- In Old Testament times the Mediterranean Sea was called the Great Sea.
- There are 7 different Jeremiahs in the Bible: 1 Chronicles 5:24; 12:4, 10, 13; 2 Kings 23:30; Jeremiah 1:1; 35:3.
- The raven is the first bird mention in the Bible. It appears in Genesis 8:7, when it is sent out from the ark by Noah to see if the flood waters have abated. The second bird was a dove, in verse 8.
- Almonds and pistachios are the only nuts mentioned in the Bible.
- A chariot imported from Egypt cost around 600 shekels of silver (1 Kings 10:29). That would be about $77,000. One shekel was 4 days wages.
- The word "trinity" is not mentioned in the Bible.
- Methuselah is the oldest man on record: 969 years old (Genesis 5:27).
We've traveled together through life's rugged way
O'er land and o'er water, by night and by day:
To travel without it I never would try;
We keep close together, my Bible and I.
In sorrow I've proved it my comfort and joy,
When weak my strong tower which nought can destroy;
When death comes so near me 'tis thought I would die,
We still are together, my Bible and I.
If powers of evil against me would come,
And threaten to rob me of heaven and home,
God's Word then directs me to Him in the sky;
And nothing can part us, my Bible and I.
When evil temptations are brought to my view,
And I in my weakness know not what to do,
On Christ as my strength I am taught to rely;
And so we keep company, my Bible and I.
When life's path is ended; if Jesus should come
And take all his blood-purchased brethren home;
Or if, in long suffering, He waits till I die.
We'll never be parted, my Bible and I.
And when in the glory my Lord I behold,
With all His redeemed gathered safe in the fold,
My Bible and I close companions will be,
For God's Word abides for all eternity.
—Author Unknown
Not only is the Bible an amazing Book but it's also a help in times of trouble, a sure footing when we're confused and a friend when we're lonely. The Bible gives the answer to life's questions about eternity. If you're not sure where you would spend eternity if you were to die, please take a moment and to read what God says about eternal life in Heaven.
The Bible, what a Book!!
Loved this post! Very interesting. The Bible is indeed an amazing book! Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting list of facts about our Bible. I enjoyed reading through them all. My favorite one was, "The Bible can be read in 70 hours." If so, then I think surely, surely I could read the whole Bible in a whole year!...and I have in the past, but it seems 70 hours is very doable! I should try again! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a book that is never changed or revised yet it changes us. I've read it through several times and pick up on something new each time. I love The Word!
ReplyDeleteIt is an amazing book, indeed! The only book that is always relevant to what I'm going through.
ReplyDeleteI love that fact about it being the most shoplifted book - wonder if the thieves read it and are convicted?
Amen! God's Word is a gift I take for granted all to often. Thanks for the great post!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your facts! The Bible is a wonderful book. My papa taught me how to read from the book of John.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I read God's word, I'm astounded. No other book in history and in the entire world can compare to the bible. It's that amazing. I consider it a privilege to read and study God's word and it's my goal to learn all I can in the process. Great post.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Love that poem too!
ReplyDeleteIt is still living and God speaks by it. Grace be with you.