Sep 30, 2009

Are you kidding me???

Okay so I found this review while looking for a watch for Cody's 17th birthday. After reading the very first review for this watch I knew I had to share it.

the review:
I bought this watch to keep up with time and this is a very good watch. The stopwatch chronograph works really good. the battery hasn't had to be replaced yet. The band clasp on it is something that i was familiar with when i first bought the watch.
I highly recommend this watch.

a little about the reviewer

Recommends this product? Yes
Age: 18 - 24
Gender: Male
Has owned product for: 2 - 3 months
Uses product: Every day

oh yea and I'm sad to say but this bright chap is a fellow Texan.



  1. It's amazing what people will say and how they reveal themselves! LOL

  2. How funny! I'm always surprised at what some people say in reviews (or anywhere, for that matter, lol). Today I was reading reviews on toaster ovens, and one person gave a terrible review because the company took too long to ship the product... I was like, "Um, you don't need the PRODUCT a bad review if it works great! Give the COMPANY a bad review then! Duh!" LOL

  3. Well, I thought it was a good watch. What else should I have written?

  4. I love Dr. Raz's comment!!!
    Well, at least you had a kind hearted Texan to review it!!!

  5. Hello Tori,

    I'm Paula from 7isheaven. Thanks for stopping in to my blog. I have another also

    I LOVE missionaries, and enjoy reading about their work and ministry. We were headed to Canada as Missionaries, but the Lord temporarily stopped us in WV. My 4 boys have learning difficulities due to dislexia, and I had reached the point I really needed help with them. So, for now we're in WV but praying we'll end up in Canada!

    Well, Have a great day

  6. Oh, nice! My son would love that watch (but he's only 13)


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!