I've been tagged by Rhonda over at Missionary Mom
It's "The 5 things I love about Jesus, meme.
Here are the Rules:
Those Tagged will share 5 things they love about Jesus.
Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here of their meme so that others can read them and the creator of this meme John Smulo.
1. I love that Jesus first loved me.
2. I love that Jesus isn't a respector or persons, that means anyone can receive the same forgiveness, whether rich or poor, clean or dirty.
3. I love Jesus because he saves children.
4. I love Jesus because he chose to share some of His miracles with us. in His holy Book the KJB.
5. I love Jesus because once He forgives He forgives forever, once I'm born again I can't be unborn.
Okay I don't usually do this tagging thing but since it's in the rules...
Here are a few that I enjoy reading from.
Mrs. C
Thanks for sharing! I, too love the fact the Jesus saves children. I have had people try to tell me that children aren't able to understand salvation. But that would go against Jesus wishes. He said, "suffer the little children come unto me"