Sep 25, 2009

Gag Alert!!

Is it me or is this one of the most bizarre and unsettling things in the news lately? I mean come on already, what sorta song is that and who would have children sing the praises of a man like we do Jesus?

What have we become?


  1. I believe Jesus is coming sooner than we realize! It all makes me want to throw up!

  2. I know!!! And then that second song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic!!!!!!!! Oh my!


  3. I am quiet certain that if we got this one video there are probably more schools doing the exact same thing. I would not let my children stay in public school for on moment longer seeing this. I don't have any children left to school and most all excep one is in homeschooling. The only way to really know what is being taught to your children. Take notice public school goers. It is out there and probably worse that this even, if possible. connie

  4. Tori,
    Where is your husband? - he's MIA in bloggy world! Miss his posts.

  5. Maybe he is the wicked one to come! man! this gets me ranckled!!

  6. Just because Johnny has abandoned his friends in blogging doesn't mean he is the wicked one to come.

  7. BLECH! Thanks for the "Gag" warning beforehand.

  8. I saw this on another gal's blog too. I wonder what would happen if someone didn't want to sing that song!!


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!