Dec 9, 2011

40 years ago today

40 years ago today, actually at 9:15 in the evening Johnny Wayne Leslie was born and my life was changed forever! I am so thankful for Johnny's mother Nancy and the 24 hours she labored to deliver him to this world. 

So in honor of Johnny's 40th birthday here are just a few (40) things I love about him:

1. His blue eyes make me melt. 
2. He is extremely generous. 
3. He makes me giggle. 
4. He's mad about me.  
5. He is very easy to love. 
6. He loves his children.
7. He reads his Bible daily, without fail.
8. He is a very hard worker.
9. He's a manly man.
10. He loves the Lord Jesus with all his heart.  
11. He is as faithful as a man can be. 
12. He is anything but a quitter.
13. He is unselfish.
14. He gives great back rubs.
15. He is very tender. 
16. He's a man of his word. 
17. He is masculine.
18. He's fun to be with.
19. He always smells good.
20. He is so good to me. 
21. He loves Croatia. 
22. He lives for the present and not in the past. 
23. He loves the Bible.
24. He has strong principles. 
25. He is my best friend. 
26. He is purty. :0)
27. He is not picky. 
28. He has never insulted me. 
29. He is a people person. 
30. Jesus has first place in his life. 
31. He loves his family.
32. He's real. 
33. He has self control. 
34. He always holds my hand. 
35. He loves the Croatian people. 
36. He is thoughtful.
37. He's not afraid to get dirty. 
38. He lives the will of God for his life. 
39. He's the best Christian I know. 
40. He's mine and I love his more today than ever!
