
Feb 1, 2021

Remembering to be Sojourners - KJV Scripture Writing Schedule for February

With all the unrest in our world and especially in our country, I think we need to remember that we are just passing through; this world is not our home. So, for the month of February we are writing about being sojourners on this earth. I know I need reminders to keep my eyes up and not on the things going on around me. Let's use the month of February to focus on the fact that we are just passing through, in doing so we will also remember that all around us are souls that are also just passing through.
There's also a light-ink version for those of you with hungry printers.
This month I'm included a PDF for easier printing, you can find it here.



  1. Tori, I love your topic. The graphic is great for your list, too.

    1. Thank you very much Jerralea! I try to match the graphic to the topic. I appreciate being reminded that this world is not my home, I'm just passing through..


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