
Feb 4, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, or keep your emotions tucked in tight? 
~I've never really been a very emotional person. I grew up relating crying to weakness and even though I know it isn't true there's still a little in me that does it's best not to cry, at least not too easily. 

2. How did you meet your closest friend?
~Other than Jesus and my husband my closest friend is a pastor's wife in Texas names Amanda. We met 21 years ago when our two churches went to the same youth camp and we were in the same dorm together. We didn't know each other then but I still remember her, particularly because she wasn't a morning person and all the girls joked about her being grouchy. BTW, she's still not a morning person! 

3. Pink lemonade, grilled salmon, cotton candy, pink grapefruit, a strawberry milkshake, or raspberry sorbet...of the pink foods listed, which one is your favorite? Least favorite? Which one have you most recently consumed? 
~Cotton candy would be my favorite by far with pink lemonade coming in close second. I can't even tell you when I had any of them last. I don't eat sugar and I haven't had salmon on forever. 

4. When were you last 'tickled pink' over something? Explain. 
~Just recently we found out that a young couple in our church was expecting a baby girl. When I probed about their choice of names I was completely floored to know they were going to name the baby girl after me. The really interesting thing is that my name is not considered a girl's name here in Croatia because it doesn't end with an A. Anyhow, I was tickled pink! 

5. Are you a fan of television talk shows? Daytime, nighttime, or both? What's your favorite?
~Not so much but I like Ambush Makeover on the Today Show and I watch cooking and home segments sometimes. The Today Show is the only one that will stream over here, all the others block us because of where we're at. 

6. When was the last time you wanted to ask a question, but felt too foolish to do so?
~I can't think of a time, but I'm sure there have been many. 

7. My favorite __________________right now is _________________.
~My favorite online photo editor right now is PicMonkey.  PicMonkey is a great online editor that's is free for the regular service. I use it for lots of editing and the possibilities are endless. I edited the photo below in about 30 seconds using PicMonkey!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
~ One of my favorite films of all times is Fiddler on the Roof. Our family has always loved the musical and the story of the persecution of the Jews living in Ukraine. It's the story of life in a very difficult time and place and trying extremely hard to keep tradition and the old ways alive. The story is serious but the actors and music make is incredible humorous. Anyhow, being a missionary to Croatia I was amazed to read in the credits that parts of the movie were filmed in Croatia of all places. So we took our church on a trip to pass out tracts and witness in a village south of the capital and after our work we went to the sites of the filming of the Fiddler on the Roof. Although there aren't any museums of plaques the houses are exactly like they were in the movie. It's pretty incredible and just another reason I love being a missionary in Croatia!

Make sure to check out all the others who participated in Wednesday Hodgepodge over at From This Side of the Pond.


  1. I've used picmonkey a few times, but usually just when I'm downloading something and the instructions tell me to go there. I'm going to have to look at it a little more closely!
    How cool is it that you got to see where Fiddler was filmed? Amazing!

  2. How sweet to know you'll have a little one sharing your name. That's special : ) I have never tried PicMonkey but know it's popular. I'm going to check it out. Enjoy your day!

  3. How sweet that someone wants to name their baby after you! A tickled pink moment for sure!

  4. I love your "tickled pink" story. That is interesting, that a girls name must end in A. Required or just common over there?

    1. Farin, It's not required that a girl's name ends with A but if it doesn't end with A then it's assumed a man's name. My name is actually Victoria, so I guess that works. BTW, thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I too love "Fiddler on the Roof" - a very poignant story I enjoyed your answers today. How sweet to have a baby girl take your name!

  6. Hi Tori!! Thanks for visiting my blog this morning. Nice to meet you and I enjoyed your answers this morning! I have been using PicMonkey for awhile now, and love it, too. Fiddler is one of my all time favorite movies, and how exciting that you got to see where some of it was filmed. I will keep you and your mission in my prayers!

  7. Loved your Hodgepodge answers. You and your husband seem so sweet and I look forward to reading more about you!

    1. Nicole, Thanks so much for visiting me!! I'm gonna go check you out too!

  8. Traditioooooon! Tradition!

    Now that song is running through my head.

    1. Sandi, I know! I can't even think about that movie without the "Tradition" song ringing in my head or "If I Were a Rich Man".

    2. La la la la la la...!

  9. I first saw "Fiddler on the Rood" way back in high school when we went on a field trip and I was, immediately, hooked! I love PicMonkey, as well as Ribbet for photo editing. I've attempted to understand Photoshop, but to no avail.

    1. I've heard of Ribbet but I've never used it, think I'll give it a try. BTW, thank you so much for stopping by!

  10. I love the Hodge Podge posts! I always learn so much about my blog friends. And the first professional play that I saw was Fiddler on the Roof. I got a free ticket it to see it at Theater of the Stars at the Civic Center in Atlanta when I was in nursing school. Leonard Nimoy played Teyva! Oh this little backwoods Georgia girl was enthralled! I have some missionary friends in Ireland and they live near the city that was Ballykissangel in that old Irish TV series that is one of my favorites. She went there and took photos and did a post called, Arlene, this is your imaginary life!!lol...Maybe one day I will get to Europe!!

    1. Arlene, what the name of your old Irish series? I love old shows.

    2. "Leonard Nimoy played Teyva!"


    3. Yes Sandi...he was amazing! And the Irish series is called Ballykissangel Tori. It is about an Irish village..filmed in the 1990s. The actual village where it was filmed was called Avoca.

  11. I always enjoy reading those who take part in this meme. It's fun and a great way to get to know each other better. Not sure why I have not taken part little time and so much to do!
    Thanks for sharing more about you!

  12. How fun that someone is naming their baby after you! That's a high honor, in my opinion. Is Tori short for Victoria?

    1. Yes Susan, Tori is short for Victoria.

    2. I wondered if you were a Victoria, Tori. Victoria is one of my favorite names. I know a young lady named that and she goes by regal.

  13. Nice to meet you today through the Hodgepodge. What an honor to have a baby named after you. You do have a great name, BTW. How exciting to visit the places where Fiddler on the Roof was filmed.

  14. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Fun reading!

  15. Very nice shot of you and Johnny! Neat that you could visit a Fiddler on the Roof Film Site! I enjoyed learning more about you.

    Cotton candy is something I haven't had in way too long...but I think I would opt for the strawberry milkshake!

  16. I have only recently discovered Picmonkey, and am looking forward to having a lot of fun with it!

  17. What a sweet honor to have a baby named after you!

    I love that movie and haven't seen it in ages.

    I've always been pretty emotional but don't always show it.

  18. I like to use Picmonkey, too.

    What an honor to have a baby named after you! I like your name, too, Tori. We actually have two third cousins named Tori in our family.

  19. I loved reading your "hodgepodge"! :) The pictures are great. I've never seen that movie, but it sounds interesting.

  20. It has been years since I've seen Fiddler on the Roof, but it definitely made an impression on me when I saw it. I so enjoyed reading the answers to your questions today, Tori.

  21. Thanks for sharing. My daughter loves musicals ever since she saw Oklahoma. She has seen a couple others and lives singing in the rain. I will have to tell her about fiddler on the roof

  22. Fun getting to know you better.
    I've never used pic monkey but I think I would like it, thanks for the tip

  23. PicMonkey is so simple & fun to use! After my Photoshop "crashed" & my disks went MIA, I decided to use it for my photos. Works awesome for the simple editing I do. Now, if only my card reader for my camera was working. :sigh: Always something! LOL

  24. Hi Tori! What an honor to have a little one named for you! You must be making such a positive impression in your life. You are a blessing to them!
    I do like picmonkey too, but I can't figure out how to get a blank background to put text in. Is there an option like that? (Your second photo reminded me!)
    I used to love cotton candy when I was a kid. It just melts in the mouth... But like you, I stay away from that much sugar.
    My niece was in Fiddler on the Roof when she was in high school. Such a powerful story!

    1. Ceil, on the first page you get to on PicMonkey there is a drop down screen and the option to create, that option allows you to use blank canvases of different sizes just to create.


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