
May 18, 2010

Two Weeks,Too Long!

Wow, I can't even believe that it's already been two weeks since I left Croatia for my little trip to the States. I have to be honest; as much as I liked seeing family, friends and Wal-mart, I was dying to get back to home. I missed Johnny more than I can say and the kids, well I called the several times daily.God has been so good to me. I have the most wonderful husband ever, great kids and the privilege of getting to live in Croatia and work for Him. Hey and by the way, I don't have to live in Croatia, I am blessed to get to. He is way too good to me!

Anyhow, I noticed something very interesting while I was in the states...
I remember moving to Croatia in 2000 and with everything being so different it was hard not to compare Croatia to the U.S.. I caught myself constantly saying how much better things were in Croatia. For instance: grocery stores were better, bigger, larger selection, just better some how. Our roads were wider, we had Pay at the Pump, people were mostly on time, and just things like that.
During my time in the states I noticed a change, in me! I was no longer comparing the U.S. to Croatia and Croatia coming up short. No, now it was all turned around. I caught myself comparing the U.S. to Croatia and Croatia winning most of the time. ***No, I am not against the U.S., I love it and it'll always be home*** but I guess after 10 years in Croatia my likes have changed. I prefer the small grocery down the road. I like having less choices, it saves me time and why waste all that extra space for huge cars when we manage rather well with our small ones.

I don't know if this means I am getting liberal or just love the home God has called me to. I don't know but it sure helps with a contented life.

Anyhow, while I was gone everyone here was hard at work. They had Friend Day and my son Cody sang. *PROUD* I'm am so proud of him and thank God for him daily.

So I know this post is actually overdue and I have been home for two weeks already but better late than never! I have really fallen behind in my blogging and even considered doing away with it but I think I'm gonna stick it out and work a little harder to share what life throws our way here in Croatia.

Many thanks to those of you who are faithful readers and many prayers.



  1. Welcome home! I know what you mean. When we move home this summer, while it'll be so good to be home and have some of the things I've missed the last 5 years, I'm still going to be wishing things there were a bit more like here.

  2. I had no idea you were Stateside! Glad that you had a nice time, and that you are happy to be back. ITs hard to enjoy the US without your family.

    Glad you are back!

  3. I hope working on my blog didn't take you away from your own - I love it and appreciate it so much!!
    I'm so glad you had safe travels and a good time visiting. I understand about learning to like new things. I think that is evidence of God's grace, but I don't have any Bible for that! lol! :)
    Thank you again, and please, don't stop blogging! :)

  4. So glad your back HOME safely. Can't wait to catch up with you guys when we arrive in Croatia. Hope that you guys had a great Soul Winning time. I haven't heard how that went.

  5. Glad you had a good trip! How is your mom? Wasn't she having surgery when you went home? I hope ya keep blogging and sharing your refurbish projects and your news and pics of Croatia.

  6. Good to see you

    So how is your mom doing after her surgery?


  7. Tori,

    It took me forever to find where to click to leave a comment! I know....I'm slow.

    Anyway, glad you're back safely and that you had a nice visit in the States. You talked about comparing your field of service with the States...I think if I were to return right now, Portugal would win the comparison. I miss some things, but see the benefits to life as I know it now, here in a small western European country.

    But I'd have to go back to confirm that!!


    Bom Fim Semana!


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!