
Apr 8, 2010

Super Busy!

I remember being a child and complaining to my mother about being bored. I can remember waiting for the long long day to finally end. What happened to those days? Why is it that the days now seem like a minuet fraction of what they used to be. Now that we have so much more to accomplish in a days time we have shorter days. I know you don't believe that they are shorter but I swear they are.

Anyhoo, I would kill for a few of those long days of childhood. This past week Bro. Bill Smith from Southwest Baptist was here and he preached a missionary seminar in the morning, and every evening he preached an end times revival. It was great! Bro. Smith preached during the missionary seminar on Behold His Glory. He has been with us for four years now and every year it gets better.

Here are just a few photos of our week, and boy was it busy!

Bro. Scott played the guitar and Cody sang a special for the church. He really loves to sing, I'm glad Bro. Scott came to kinda push him into using his talent for God.

We had pretty good attendance for most of the meetings. The singing was awesome, there was so much life in the church and it was such a blessing. 

Bro. Sam Ward arrived on the 27th of March and is now working as a partner in the ministry here in Croatia. He is from our home church and we're tickled to have him here with us.

Also during the conference Bro. Pranger came down from Budapest, Hungary and we were so glad he did.


On Sunday morning Bro. Smith preached in Varaždin and Jasmina was saved. Praise the Lord! We have actually had a lot of souls saved over the last several weeks and God has blessed us with several Baptisms too. Here are some photos of just a few.

Bro. Krešo was saved a few weeks ago and followed the Lord in believers baptism.

The son of one of our Gypsy men was saved a couple weeks ago and also was baptized.

The Danijel and Nina came to church and they both got saved, praise the Lord. They have both been faithful and we're praying that God would really get a hold of their hearts and they would begin to change for Him.

On last photo to leave you with, Spring has sprung here in Croatia and the Magnolias are gorgeous!
Have a great Thursday Y'all!


  1. So glad all went well with Bro. Smith. Of course, you didn't get an earthquake. Too bad, earthquakes are great for evangelism!

    I know what you are saying about the days. I remember when I had time to be bored! No more.

    Oh well, as they say, "No rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need it"

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Looks like you all had a great week and that the Lord truly blessed!

    I wasn't able to watch the video it said that it was a private video.

    Well, hope you have a GREAT rest of this week too :D


  3. Praise the Lord. Glad ya'll had such a good, refreshing meeting. Praise the Lord for the souls saved and baptized. That's wonderful.

  4. Amen Tori!! Praise the Lord for a ministry...a thriving, blessed ministry on the field!

  5. Glad it went well and you now have co-laborers. I know you waited a long time for the Holcombs and Bro. Sam. I agree with you about the short days. - Seems like there just are not enough minutes in the day to accomplish all our goals. Reckon that is why we need to prioritize!

  6. The Lord is sending a lot of special blessings your way. Love the pictures. Why are there none of you???

  7. Praise God for the newly saved souls!
    My daughter learned early on to never say she is bored because we'd always find something for her to! ;-D


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