
Jul 31, 2006

How do y'all gab???

I found this over at Just Laugh, Heather's blog, thought it was interesting.

Your Linguistic Profile:
70% General American English
25% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
0% Yankee

I'm just happy I ended up with 0% yankee! No offense to all you very cool Yankees!


  1. That's a cool quiz!!
    3 sisters

  2. Anonymous7:49 PM are my percentages:

    60% General American Midwestern
    20% Dixie
    5% Midwestern
    5% Yankee
    0% Upper Midwestern

    Sorry....I do have a little yankee in me. I'm not yankee. I was raised in the midwest. Living in Georgia for 19 years has helped me to learn and adapt to the "dixie" way of talking though. Don't hold it against me too much okay??..LOL!!

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Despite the fact that I have lived in Virginia for over half my life, I am still a Yankee at heart :-)

  4. :0( For some reason you weren't showing up as if you posted anything in my bloglines. I was missing all these posts. I thought maybe you were away or something. That stinks. Well, off I go to catch up.

  5. 40% General American English
    40% Yankee
    10% Dixie
    5% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern
    Hee, hee, I didn't think I was all that mixed up. lol Thanks for the laugh.

  6. I posted mine today too. Unfortunately I have Yankee in my drawl....(No offense to yanks, of course! I was born one.)

  7. Neat! I posted mine on my blog!

  8. I LOVE being a Yankee. :) Posted mine on my blog.

  9. 60% General American English
    20% Dixie
    15% Yankee
    0% Midwestern
    0% Upper Midwestern

    Yeah!!!! I'm a Yankee!!! I can't believe it...more Dixie than Yankee...but of course Maryland is in the middle of it all anyway :-)


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!