
Jul 27, 2006

Craft Newsletters

I singed up for some craft newsletters from DRG and I'm loving them. I have been getting the 501 Sewing Secrets for a while and it's full of god stuff. they also offer newletters about crochet, knitting, cooking, quilting and wood working for women. So if your interested you can go to DRG and sign up.

With anything on the web, remember that whatever information you give may become public knowledge so I would suggest opeing an e-mail account for newsletters and things so when you are bonbarded with spam it wont clutter your main e-mail account. *Ü*


  1. Love your blog! I have been looking around for a little while.
    Glad you found my blog as well.

  2. Love your blog and thank you for the great link, I just signed up for some of those newsletters myself :)

    Have a great day :)

  3. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Spam is evil! I use give out my gmail for everything, but their spam eating system is so good I never see any of it :)

  4. Hey, Tori! Thanks for coming to see my house. I thought you'd play with us~as in the home tour... I am picturing a very neat, pretty home far, far away...


Hey thanks in advance for leaving a comment, sure do appreciate it!!